one of a lot Indonesian traditional weapon

Keris is an Indonesian traditional dagger. It's found almost all over Indonesia archipelago. Keris especially regerded for symbolical (way of life, event, expectation),message and heirloom. Its can read from the form of shape(dapur) and damascene (pamor).
Keris is art of symbolical of philosophy and communication. Now,many reason to collect kerises, among others for : art of sense, way of life, souvenir, proudly and heirloom.
If someone knows what the meaning in the blade of keris, people can "read" , what are the message and expectation from his ancestors. Continously communication generation to generation. In the others,keris has spiritual and supernatural aspect.
keris must consist of two bodywork, that is keris lath part (bilah indonesian) and stalk part (ganja in Javanese). lath part and stalk symbolize colossus existence or lingga maybe at china it seems yin, while ganja part symbolizes existence yoni or yang at chinese. in java philosophy, can be said equal to hindu philosophy, coalitions between lingga and yoni will be epitomizing hope on fertility, eternity (preservation), and strength.
keris lath must always make certain corner towards stalk. not vertical. sloping kris lath position or inclined, this epitomizing from javanese character, and also another indonesia tribe, that somebody, anything rank and the position, must always bow and honour bot only in the creator ( god), also in the rice science, proverb word, more learneder somebody, more bow that man.
Majapahit kindom, one of kingdom at Indonesian that cover indonesia, malaysian, filipine, combodia, vietnam. King of majapahit, hayam wuruk, distribute keris to little kings at the power region. as brotherhood simbol. Now keris is known at south-east asia. Eldest keris is made at java, guessed around century ke-6 or ke-7. Keris is made person (master known empu at javanese)s absolutely not with a view to used as a means of murderer. many books that written westerner calleds keris as one of the]weapon stabs or stabbing weapons. Books west in general give impression that similar kris or all the same with dagger or ponyard (poignard).
while there difference very big and basicly between they. dagger, bayonet, or poyard really expressly made to lance opponent, hurt or kill it, while keris not. keris is made especially to be used as heritage or “sipat kandel” brave belief, trusted can protect with give welfare and the owner welfare. This is spiritually dimension
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